It’s The Only Free Gift In Life

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

Smiling when do we smile? What macks us smile? Who makes us smile? Theas are questions we may not think about every day because when we smile it happens so naturally we may not even notice. Sometimes we smile just for a moment or sometimes we could be smiling for days. Smiling is that thing that gives us joy and its the only free gift in life. Its so simple yet so beautiful.

I thought about this today with a big smile on my face as I got on the train about what makes me smile each day. Why would I be thinking about this in the mist of rush hour on a train.  This is the story that goes with the smile.

Each day after college I am exsuted I have been at college for eight hours wich is a long time and buy this time of the day I do not want to no any one I just want a moment to breathe and clear my head. I do most of my clearing of my head when walking through the tunnel to the train station. At the end of the tunnel there is this man who hands out free newspapers. I never take one as I really do not want to read them and I have no use for them but each day that I walk buy as moody as I am in that moment trying to clear my head not tack a newspaper this man always says I hope you have a good evening with a smile on his face and it always put a smile on my face no mater how tired I feel it gives me joy and lifts me up each time with out fael. I have come to look forward to walking through that tunnel and seeing the man with a smile on his face as it clears up any mood I am in and brings a smile and  joy to me.

Why was I thinking so much more about it today is because  how often do we see something or do something that simple to a complete stranger buy saying have a good day or good week I can say I do not say that often nufe to people I know, let a loan a complete stranger.

I have learned from this man that no matter who the person is just buy saying something nice but simple with a smile on your face could mack some one else the happiest person alive. I hope I can learn from this and each day give the gift of my smile to someone else.