Beginning To Achieve

It sure has been a while since I visted you blog world. Life’s been super crazy and busy. There has been a lot happening in the life of Lara.

I only have 5 more months tell I finsh my diploma, YAY!!! To a lot of people it seams very exciting wich of course it is but it’s also quite stressful as now is the buseyest time but I am super happy that I have not given up and I have solider on. I am in the home stretch YAY!!! I  am  also super proude of myself as I work harder each day then the day before, to achieve this huge dream of mine. I see such a difference in myself and my work all the assignment I do and work hard on, when I get  them back they are always very well done and mostly everything is right maybe one or two things are wrong witch is such a difference from the beginning of my diploma. I have gained learned so much about children and everything to do with them. They say that study a diploma in childcare in Australia is hard but it’s possible to get through and they are right but the achievement of getting through this is going to be the biggest and most amazing achievement yet which I am super proud of. I have learned that you can do it onec you begin to dream, you begin to hope and with hope you begin to achieve. So I will soldier on in to the next five months.

I have not seen my parents and my sister  in 12 mounths now witch it of course proving to be hard. As each day passes it seam as though they are futher away but I know that I am in there heart and thoughts and they are most definitely in my heart and thoughts every day and I know by being here in Sydney Australia studying and achieving I am making them super proud witch macks me very happy and macks me want to be better than the day before it not just for me it for them to.  I miss them but in good time we will be reunited and it will be amazing to be together again.

Other things in the life of Lara, it’s flu season here in OZ and my ow my was I sick, I got a really bad case of the flu a few weeks ago witch was not pretty I was really sick but I recovered but got a saw throut a few weeks later I was beyond anoyed. I am better ones again but it sure it not cool getting sick, I reckon there is a lot of unique germs here down under everyone is or has been sick in the last month with the flu. Other then being sick, I have been doing a lot of cooking of good food, at the moment I have a thing for soup and my o my it’s been amazing, good food macks me happy. What can I say there is a foodi in me. I have also been reading lots of good books to destresss at the end of the day and I have been hangout with good friends and have fun.

Life is super, crazy busy with lot of every  thing, but that’s the way life should be as long as we keep on creating happiness through the busyness.

Create Happiness With Them

Children I love them of course  I am study to be a teacher I have to love them I think to be a teacher it has to be more then just love it has to be deep, pure and constan but more then that it’s about  loving them so much that we would want only the best for them. We as adults  are  shaping the minds of tomorrow for only the beast and so they can creat a better world then we have.  Not every person loves children deeply as I do or as many outher people do, let’s face it they messy, noisy and are needy  but they are children and the things they do for us adults are sometimes more then we could  ever expect.

Yes children do, do more for us then we think. They bring as joy in the small things in life, with a smile or a laugh, in the harder, challenging times they bring calmsness with a hug, buy holding your hand for a few moments or just buy being close by and most of all they teach us more then we teach them, They show us that you can mack life simple and happy just play a little and be true to your true self. Children they are pure and happy and from that we could learn a lot. They show us how to create or own happiness.  Now whats not to love about that.

Children bring so much joy to our lives and we should treasure them and pretect them to the beast of our ability. We should creat happiness with them.