Our Future Is Unwritten

In a week and a half we will be celebrating the Jewish knew year. The month leading up to that we reflect on the past year. We ask G-D to forgive us for our since and for G-D to give us a norther chance, we thank him for all that we are blessed with and all that he has blessed us with over the last year. My birthday happens to be in the same month and when my birthday come around this year I really did have a lot to think about it was a year that I truly grew up and faced some challenges.

So the day I turned 23 I really did Have a lot to reflect on and this is exactly what I thought about the past year:

Today I turn 23 on this day I want to move forward, look forward to the future and believe what’s next in line for me is only good things, happiness and maybe a few lessons. I want to remember that the last year has shaped me into a stronger human been it’s made me rise above my challenges and tested my bounders it made me see that even when you give up hope in yourself there is still a little light that Ignatius your passion deep down even if you can’t quite see it. Most of all the last year has tort me that you should never let anyone kill your confidence if what they are saying doesn’t feel right it’s probably not right we all see the world in different colorless so we should block out the negative and bloom our own flower not let others wilt it. This year just like life is, it has been a lesson that I hope I will remember in the future when I need it again to rise above the negative and only feed on the positive. Now I shall live, love, and laugh.

When life  was not going quite my way and  all I wanted was to see the future I really didn’t believe that good could come after the storm but I was blessed with good things and my  passion was ignited again through  new opportunities a lot closer to home where I could rebuild my confidence in a place where I felt more at home and comfortable with myself and I now believe that our future is unwritten but we do create our own desteany.